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Introducing our Rapid Rehousing & Diversion (RRH) Program

From expanding our programming to bringing on new staff throughout the pandemic, we’ve modified services to better serve our community’s needs. We’re therefore proud to announce our new Housing program, Rapid Rehousing and Diversion (RRH), which launched in early 2021.

Our RRH team, which includes our Director of Rapid Rehousing and Diversion, Rapid Rehousing Case Manager, and Rapid Rehousing Locator, works to ensure every community member has a safe home to rebuild their lives.

What is rapid rehousing and diversion?

Rapid rehousing helps families and individuals move into safe, stable housing as quickly as possible. Diversion plays an integral role in this process, as it provides monetary, systematic, and interpersonal interventions that help community members avoid the shelter system entirely.

The RRH program serves those experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity, including those affected by the pandemic, heads of household 18 and over, and/or emancipated minors. Services include rental, security deposit, and utility assistance, along with case management and housing location services.

While these services are inherent to what we do as an agency, the RRH team’s main purpose is to quickly rehouse community members experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. By providing more in-depth services in this area, the program can better serve our guests, landlords, and the community as a whole.

How does it help our community?

In addition to being placed in stable housing, guests have a FPMC-backed support system and can receive eviction prevention and move-out support as needed. Both guests and landlords can benefit from the mediation support offered between tenants, landlords and neighbors.

Similar to our Keys to Housing program—which consists of up to 40 housing vouchers, provides incentives to landlords and educates tenants—RRH provides incentives to landlords, too. A one-time signing bonus and the guarantee of reliable tenants with consistent rent payment are great benefits to this program.

RRH also caters to our vision of Housing as Healthcare for our community, as public and economic health remain at its forefront.

Healthcare costs are generally lower for community members who are stably housed. Those experiencing homelessness typically incur higher healthcare costs for a variety of reasons, including a lack of insurance or use of emergency room care as their primary source of healthcare.

Having a safe space to come home to at night also increases an individual’s ability to maintain employment and their overall wellbeing. Additionally, if fewer people are staying in shared spaces, like shelters, the risk of COVID-19 transmittance decreases.

As with all our programs, Rapid Rehousing and Diversion aims to increase overall health, economic, and housing outcomes within our community. For more information, or if you or someone you know is experiencing a housing crisis, please contact

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